Warning: Attempt to read property "grams" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 613
Warning: Attempt to read property "grams" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 614
Warning: Attempt to read property "calories" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 615
Warning: Attempt to read property "caloriesFromFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 616
Warning: Attempt to read property "totalFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 617
Warning: Attempt to read property "totalFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 618
Warning: Attempt to read property "saturatedFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 619
Warning: Attempt to read property "saturatedFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 620
Warning: Attempt to read property "transFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 621
Warning: Attempt to read property "polyunsaturatedFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 622
Warning: Attempt to read property "monounsaturatedFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 623
Warning: Attempt to read property "cholesterol" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 624
Warning: Attempt to read property "cholesterol" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 625
Warning: Attempt to read property "sodium" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 626
Warning: Attempt to read property "sodium" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 627
Warning: Attempt to read property "totalCarbohydrates" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 628
Warning: Attempt to read property "totalCarbohydrates" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 629
Warning: Attempt to read property "dietaryFiber" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 630
Warning: Attempt to read property "dietaryFiber" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 631
Warning: Attempt to read property "sugars" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 632
Warning: Attempt to read property "protein" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 633
Warning: Attempt to read property "vitaminA" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 635
Warning: Attempt to read property "vitaminC" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 636
Warning: Attempt to read property "calcium" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 637
Warning: Attempt to read property "iron" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 638
Veľkonočný baranček
2017-03-25 20:20:02
Blíži sa Veľká noc a čo môže byť lepšie ako pohostiť hlavne malých maškrtníkov sladkou odmenou a keď je ešte k tomu aj v zdravšej forme ?
Čo budeme potrebovať
- 2 ks vajcia
- 2 PL med
- 1/4 citrónová kôra (chemicky neočistený)
- 0,5 dcl rozpustené maslo
- 0,5 dcl voda
- 1 ČL prášok do pečiva z vínneho kameňa
- 100g špaldová múka
- Kakao
- mleté vlašské orechy alebo mandle
- domáci džem
- stužka na zviazanie barančeka
- Trúbu si vyhrejeme na 160°.
- Oddelíme bielka od žĺtkov, pričom bielka dáme do väčšej misky.
- Z bielkov si vyšľaháme tuhý sneh (šľaháme na najvyšších otáčkach 8 minút).
- Postupne pridáme med, žĺtky, vodu a olej.
- Zľahka vmiešame preosiatu múku spolu s práškom do pečiva.
- Medzi poslednými ingredienciami pridáme pomleté orechy a citrónovú kôru.
- Odoberieme lyžicu cesta, do ktorého vmiešame kakao a ozdobíme barančekovi ušká, noštek, ústa a nožičky.
- Naplníme formu do polovice cestom a pečieme cca. 15 - 20 minút.
- Barančeka ešte horúceho vyklopíme a znovu naplníme.
- Pri druhom raze už ušká, noštek, ústa a nožičky neozdobujeme nakoľko barančekov spojíme s džemom a stužkou okolo krku.
Môj tip
- Cesto je určené pre dve formy s rozmerom 23x19x4 cm.
Efresh.sk https://efresh.sk/