Warning: Attempt to read property "grams" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 613
Warning: Attempt to read property "grams" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 614
Warning: Attempt to read property "calories" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 615
Warning: Attempt to read property "caloriesFromFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 616
Warning: Attempt to read property "totalFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 617
Warning: Attempt to read property "totalFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 618
Warning: Attempt to read property "saturatedFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 619
Warning: Attempt to read property "saturatedFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 620
Warning: Attempt to read property "transFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 621
Warning: Attempt to read property "polyunsaturatedFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 622
Warning: Attempt to read property "monounsaturatedFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 623
Warning: Attempt to read property "cholesterol" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 624
Warning: Attempt to read property "cholesterol" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 625
Warning: Attempt to read property "sodium" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 626
Warning: Attempt to read property "sodium" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 627
Warning: Attempt to read property "totalCarbohydrates" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 628
Warning: Attempt to read property "totalCarbohydrates" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 629
Warning: Attempt to read property "dietaryFiber" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 630
Warning: Attempt to read property "dietaryFiber" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 631
Warning: Attempt to read property "sugars" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 632
Warning: Attempt to read property "protein" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 633
Warning: Attempt to read property "vitaminA" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 635
Warning: Attempt to read property "vitaminC" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 636
Warning: Attempt to read property "calcium" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 637
Warning: Attempt to read property "iron" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/efresh.sk/web/wp-content/plugins/recipe-card/yumprint-recipe.php on line 638
Domáci mackovia
2017-02-19 18:53:01
Som mama a môj syn – asi ako pomaly každé dieťa – si rado zobne do sladkého. Ale keďže mama je výživový poradca a snaží sa mu upiecť domácich „mackov“, posielam Vám tento recept a k tomu aj link kde si formu môžete zakúpiť. Je presne šitá na nižšie uvedené ingrediencie.
Pre 12 medvedíkov
- 100g hladká špaldová múka
- 2 vajcia
- 30g mäkkého masla
- 50ml mlieko
- ½ ČL prášku do pečiva BIO z vínneho kameňa
- 60g trstinový cukor alebo 2 lyžice medu
- Lyžička kakaa pre nožičky, ťapky a ňufáčiky
- Trúbu si vyhrejeme na 170°.
- Oddelíme bielka od žĺtok a z bielok vyšľaháme tuhý sneh.
- Žĺtky si vyšľaháme s cukrom alebo medom do peny, pridáme maslo, mlieko a postupne primiešame múku, ktorú sme predtým zmiešali s práškom do pečiva.
- Po lyžičkách pridávame celú zmes do snehu z bielkov.
- Jednu polievkovú lyžicu si dáme do menšej misky, vmiešame lyžičku kakaa.
- Na nožičky, ťapky a ňufáčiky používam väčšiu injekčnú striekačku a robím bodky do vyznačených miest na plechu.
- Plech nie je potrebný vysypať múkou ale ja ho vytieram maslom.
- Na jedného medvedíka budeme potrebovať jeden a pol polievkovej lyžice cesta.
- Plňte formu tak do 3/4 pretože mackovia budú nadýchaní.
- Pečieme cca. 10minút.
Môj tip
- Formu si môžete zakúpiť tu
Efresh.sk https://efresh.sk/