Astridkina torta

torta na detskú oslavu

Warning: Attempt to read property "grams" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 613

Warning: Attempt to read property "grams" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 614

Warning: Attempt to read property "calories" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 615

Warning: Attempt to read property "caloriesFromFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 616

Warning: Attempt to read property "totalFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 617

Warning: Attempt to read property "totalFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 618

Warning: Attempt to read property "saturatedFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 619

Warning: Attempt to read property "saturatedFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 620

Warning: Attempt to read property "transFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 621

Warning: Attempt to read property "polyunsaturatedFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 622

Warning: Attempt to read property "monounsaturatedFat" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 623

Warning: Attempt to read property "cholesterol" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 624

Warning: Attempt to read property "cholesterol" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 625

Warning: Attempt to read property "sodium" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 626

Warning: Attempt to read property "sodium" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 627

Warning: Attempt to read property "totalCarbohydrates" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 628

Warning: Attempt to read property "totalCarbohydrates" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 629

Warning: Attempt to read property "dietaryFiber" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 630

Warning: Attempt to read property "dietaryFiber" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 631

Warning: Attempt to read property "sugars" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 632

Warning: Attempt to read property "protein" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 633

Warning: Attempt to read property "vitaminA" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 635

Warning: Attempt to read property "vitaminC" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 636

Warning: Attempt to read property "calcium" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 637

Warning: Attempt to read property "iron" on null in /data/c/f/cfd38bbe-74e2-4eab-bb19-789c9444a475/ on line 638
Astridkina torta
Táto torta je moja srdcovka pretože o jej prípravu ma požiadala jedna z mojich najlepších kamarátok pre svoju dcéru Astridku na jej piate narodeniny. Torta bola že vraj strašná mňamka a Astridka sa nechcela podeliť 
Na 17cm tortovú formu
  1. 2 vajcia
  2. 100g trstinový cukor alebo 2 PL javorového sirupu
  3. ¼ citrónová kôra (chemicky neočistený)
  4. 0,5dcl olej (ak Vám neprekáža olivový)
  5. 0,5dcl voda
  6. ½ balíčku prášku do pečiva BIO z vínneho kameňa
  7. 100g špaldová múka hladká
  1. 250g tvaroh jemný
  2. 250ml smotana na šľahanie 33%
  3. 2 PL javorový sirup
  4. Vanilkový struk
  5. Ovocie na ozdobu
  1. Trúbu si vyhrejeme na 160°.
  2. Oddelíme bielka od žĺtok a z bielok vyšľaháme tuhý sneh.
  3. Postupne pridáme cukor / med, žĺtky, vodu a olej.
  4. Zľahka vmiešame múku, ktorú sme si predtým zmiešali s práškom do pečiva, citrónovú kôru. Formu vytrieme maslom a vlejeme cesto. Pečieme cca. 40min.
  5. Medzitým ako sa nám pečie korpus, si pripravíme krém, kde všetky ingrediencie vymiešame. Keď nám korpus vychladne, rozrežeme ho na dve polovice.
  6. Natrieme 1/2 krému a poukladáme čučoriedky.
  7. Prikryjeme druhou polovicou korpusu, potrieme zvyškom krému a zdobíme podľa fantázie.